Calvin Aung
Hey there! My name’s Calvin and I am part of the bio major and I love drawing, listening to music, watching movies & shows, and Pokémon :)
Helping Hands is a nonprofit volunteer club led by a devoted team of high school students dedicated to making a difference. Our mission is to lend a helping hand to underserved communities, providing support, compassion, and resources where they’re needed most. Through various volunteer opportunities, we aim to create a positive impact and inspire change within our community.
Hey there! My name’s Calvin and I am part of the bio major and I love drawing, listening to music, watching movies & shows, and Pokémon :)
I’m Queen Valerie Queen of the Cats and I’m an ID major. I love baking, music, and above all, CATS!! 😻
I’m Ray and I am in the Finance Major (y’all should join fr). Anyways, some things I enjoy doing are playing basketball, reading webtoons/digital comics, and spending time with family and friends. Not to mention, I am also an avid Pokémon fan. (Add me on Pokémon Go pls)
My name is Nicole Tan and I’m a Bio major. I like, sewing, traveling, and swimming; but treading is still so hard 🙅.
My name is Jayden Chiou, rep of the Aero Major! I’m a big fan of anything related to transportation. I also really enjoy playing video games and watching/playing sports!
I’m Ethan and I’m in the Mechatronics major! I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, watching anime, and playing video games! I really love sleeping and taking mid-day naps!
I’m Timothy and I'm in the Chemical Engineering major! I enjoy watching movies, collecting cars & cards, and coaching karate athletes.
My name is SiWei Lin and I currently major in Law and Society! Sometimes I play the piano, but I mainly listen to music instead.
Hey, I’m Shakib and I’m in the software major. My main hobbies include coding, gaming, spending time with friends, and procrastinating. I am just your average NPC who lurks in Tech from Monday-Friday.
My name is Haroon, I am ALSO unsurprisingly in the software major. I enjoy playing games like COD and Terraria, all things fitness like powerlifting and bodybuilding, and reading webcomics.